Three new GMLD projects featured in Canadian Architect

Posted by Danielle

Posted in New Projects

March 20, 2019

We at Gabriel Mackinnon Lighting Design are extra pleased this past month to see three of our long term projects completed and featured in the March 2019 issue of Canadian Architect! We have been working on the architectural lighting design for these three projects in Ottawa’s Parliamentary Precinct for (so very) many years and are thrilled to see them completed.

The West Block, for example uses a full family of custom light fixtures designed to complement the renovated heritage building, while using the latest in efficient LED lighting technology. The light fixtures were manufactured by the top notch team at Nelson and Garrett, we highly recommend them should you require custom manufactured light fixtures! Nota bene regarding the West Block RehabilitationGMLD was responsible for the lighting throughout the rehabilitated heritage building, with the exception of the glass-roofed House of Commons chamber, which was completed by the talented folks at OVI Inc.

You can view a digital copy of the magazine here:

Look for The West Block Rehabilitation on page 12, the Senate of Canada Building on page 21, and the Government of Canada Visitor’s Welcome Centre on page 27.

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We are currently collecting project photos that and preparing detailed pages on each, but for now we invite you to take a sneak peek at our work in Canadian Architect!